Citation of Merit, AIA Pennsylvania


When the Haverford Township Free Library decided to build a new facility within its suburban but densely built community, one site alone appeared available for the project—an abandoned brownfield superfund site that had long festered at the heart of the community. As a library, the project would embody the community’s progressive stance towards the future, to serve as an instrument of awareness and discovery that would attain the highest level of environmental stewardship, setting LEED Platinum Certification as the demonstrable benchmark for commitment. The environmentally compromised site would be restored to health and reintegrated with the neighborhood. Accordingly, an abandoned rail corridor traversing the site would be recast to connect the discontinuous web of surrounding suburban streets, to make the library more safely accessible to kids and adults by bike or foot. The new library would sit within a park-like environment to become a place of community, and expanding horizons.  

*Completed as the project's Principal-In-Charge and Designers at WRT